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Monolithic Zirconia-  My apologetic song for my origianl  front teeth
Monolithic Zirconia-  My apologetic song for my origianl  front teeth

Monolithic Zirconia- My apologetic song for my origianl front teeth


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Monolithic Zirconia-  My apologetic song for my origianl  front teeth

Monolithic Zirconia- My apologetic song for my origianl front teeth

Rachel Dah
Rachel Dah

發布時間 2023-07-31


Lyrics:Rachel dah
Beat:"Loose change"
Prod. 9tyeight

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I’m sorry that I didn’t pay much attention to you
I’m sorry that I broke you on the way back
I’m sorry I did’t realized how you important to me until I lost you
46k new one can’t compare to you

Baby please come back to me
(I’m crying and begging you)
I’m sorry for what I did
(Can you give me one more chance)
46K can’t compare to you
(Not even tiny bit )
Foolish me didn’t notice that
how much I miss you

I shouldn’t trust him so much
I should’ve get you back no matter how it costs
I should’ve care about you more
Now I regret every minute when im with new one

Baby please come back to me
(I’m crying and begging you)
I’m sorry for what I did
(Can you give me one more chance)
46K can’t compare to you
(Not even tiny bit )
Foolish me didn’t notice that
how much I miss you

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