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ElectronicDebut EP

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胡月 Children in Love

  • Song of the Day

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發布時間 2014-10-10


the air is colored
mist without thickness
it's comfort to the eye

it's warming my whole body
i'm entirely here
yet watching from afar

you were gone so long Dear
it felt like eternity
i'd never thought you'd come back
and yet here you are
smiling at me
was it just a nightmare?

hold on
i cannot remember
where i was a minute ago

i don't know how i've gotten here
was i never
anywhere before?

you were gone so long Dear
it felt like eternity
i'd never thought you'd come back
and yet here i am
looking into your eyes
but say
where are we?

i have overdue
apologies for you Dear
so you hold no anger
past is past let's treasure now

keep walking close to me
closer please you never know
i've got the oddest hunch

that in the twinkling of an eye
you could disappear
leaving me forever alone

what is going on Dear?
the mist has faded away
and though you're still around
i can no longer cross
the space between us
but wait
i'm dreaming...

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