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37 獨唱組_楊閔淳_Battlefield
37 獨唱組_楊閔淳_Battlefield

37 獨唱組_楊閔淳_Battlefield


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37 獨唱組_楊閔淳_Battlefield

37 獨唱組_楊閔淳_Battlefield


發布時間 2020-03-25


Once lust has turned to dust and all that's left's held breath
Forgotten who we first met
What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield
We both know it's coming
Does illusion count for something we hide?
The surface tension's gotta break, one drop is all it takes to flood out this lie
You and I
We have to let each other go
We keep holding on but we both know
What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield
Peace will come when one of us puts down the gun
We seemed like a good idea

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