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Asia's Dim Sum City
Asia's Dim Sum City

Asia's Dim Sum City

AlternativeLife Fucks Everyone

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Asia's Dim Sum City

Asia's Dim Sum City


發布時間 2019-03-11


It's the last night on the edge of
Asia's dim sum city

Maybe I will die,
And someone talk to me.
"Could u wah sha fah...?"

I say "sha fah fah fah fah fah fah fah,
lah sha fah fah wah fah fah.
Could u please let me stay here,
sing a song for bah bah bah..."

He can't understand and says
"Wah fah fah fah.
You can not wah fah fah fah,
bah bah bah bah fah!"

What the fuck is that mean?

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