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Ellipse 愛莉普斯
Ellipse 愛莉普斯

Ellipse 愛莉普斯

10 首歌

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Ellipse 愛莉普斯

Ellipse 愛莉普斯

溫蒂瑪森 Wendy Maßen

專輯發行時間 2023-05-08
建立於 2023-05-08


作品都跟遇到的人事物或是遊玩的遊戲有關,而一切的靈感都來自於自己居住的星球−地球,有人說地球是圓形;有人說她是橢圓形;也有人說地球不是一個完美的圓形,無論如何她都孕育豐富的資源物種,而我最後決定把這張專輯命名為− Ellipse 愛莉普斯(橢圓),願我孕育的歌曲,能帶給大家動力或希望。
My songs are all related to the people and things I meet or the games i play, and all the inspiration comes from the planet we live in - earth. Some people say that the earth is round; some say it is oval; others say that the earth is not a perfect In any case, but she breeds abundant resource species, and I finally decided to name this album − Ellipse, which I hope the songs I bred can bring you motivation or hope.

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