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The Pearl River Bank 珠江畔
The Pearl River Bank 珠江畔

The Pearl River Bank 珠江畔


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The Pearl River Bank 珠江畔

The Pearl River Bank 珠江畔

wenhui.Luo 羅文輝
wenhui.Luo 羅文輝

發布時間 2024-09-20

歌詞 動態歌詞

My second home 我的第二故乡
There is a river here 这里有一条江
每当我吹一吹江边的风 Whenever I blow the wind by the river
就能抚平我创伤 It can heal my wounds
我的第二故乡 My second home
不下雪的南方 The South without Snow
春节你只用穿一件外套 You only need to wear one coat during the Spring Festival
轻松又吉祥 Easy and auspicious
我的第二故乡 My second home
清晨茶楼里忙 Busy in the teahouse in the early morning
小车儿推来各种的点心 All kinds of Dim sum are brought by the trolley
好吃又清凉 Delicious and refreshing
我的第二故乡 My second home
很多人远渡重洋 Many people have crossed the ocean
不论他们走到了哪里 No matter where they go
都会思念这一条江 Everyone will miss this river
这里是珠江 This is the Pearl River
如今她改变了模样 Now she has changed her appearance
青山和绿水环抱着高楼 The tall buildings are surrounded by green mountains and clear waters
街头还有鸟语花香 There are birds singing and flowers blooming on the streets
这里是珠江 This is the Pearl River
万亩湿地好风光 Thousands of acres of wetland with beautiful scenery
荷塘边鸟儿悠闲地散步 Birds leisurely stroll by the lotus pond
红树林里白鹭飞翔 White egrets flying in the mangrove forest
我的第二故乡 My second home
这里有一条江 There is a river here
每当我吹一吹江边的风 Whenever I blow the wind by the river
就能抚平我创伤 It can heal my wounds
我的第二故乡 My second home
很多人远渡重洋 Many people have crossed the ocean
不论他们走到了哪里 No matter where they go
都会思念这一条江 Everyone will miss this river
这里是珠江 This is the Pearl River
南海上架起了桥梁 Bridges have been built in the South China Sea
出海的大湾连成了一片 The big bay that goes out to sea is connected together
还有澳门和香港 There are also Macau and Hong Kong
这里是珠江 This is the Pearl River
两岸的灯火辉煌 The dazzling lights on both sides of the River
生活中还会有很多不如意 There will still be many disappointments in life
可她总能照亮我希望 But she always illuminates my hope
这里是珠江 This is the Pearl River
如今她改变了模样 Now she has changed her appearance
青山和绿水环抱着高楼 The tall buildings are surrounded by green mountains and clear waters
街头还有鸟语花香 There are birds singing and flowers blooming on the streets
这里是珠江 This is the Pearl River
万亩湿地好风光 Thousands of acres of wetland with beautiful scenery
荷塘边鸟儿悠闲地散步 Birds leisurely stroll by the lotus pond
红树林里白鹭飞翔 White egrets flying in the mangrove forest
我的第二故乡 My second home
这里有一条江 There is a river here
每当我吹一吹江边的风 Whenever I blow the wind by the river
就能抚平我创伤 It can heal my wounds

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