Lyricist : LÜCY、Déjà Fu
Composer : LÜCY、Déjà Fu、Ninewoods
Those things that have been told through my ears
I think I don’t remember them now
Those things that have been written in the books
I think I
Don’t feel the same way now
I used to stayed up late in the nights
Or maybe there’s no right time to sleep
Dodo dodalala
Don’t complain
Cuz everytime
All you care is you……..
When our eyes can see the world that faster than the light
Will you be you? And I be me the same?
Take a flight, the human sight is more than black and white
When the time goes by and life’s such a game
(I wish I wrote the way I thought
With maddening hunger
I’d write to the point of suffocation
I’d write myself into nervous breakdowns)
They told me
the way to fame is to be a poetess
But I’m standing here
and being so homeless
Take a breath
You’ll find your path
the future still remains
the future still remains
I used to stayed up late in the nights
Or maybe there’s no right time to sleep
Dodo dodalala
I won’t complain
When our eyes can see the world that faster than the light
Will you be you? And I be me the same?
Take a flight, the human sight is more than black and white
When the time goes by and life’s such a game
(Manuscripts spiraling out like tentacles into abysmal nothing
And I’d write about you
A lot more
Than I should)
I used to stayed up late in the nights
Or maybe there’s no right time to sleep
Dodo dodalala
Don’t complain
Cuz everytime
All you care is you……..
When our eyes can see the world that faster than the light
Will you be you? And I be me the same?
Take a flight, the human sight is more than black and white
When the time goes by and life’s such a game
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