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一幕情深-Plain Ver
一幕情深-Plain Ver

一幕情深-Plain Ver


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一幕情深-Plain Ver

一幕情深-Plain Ver


發布時間 2020-04-11


I was following you step after step / 我一步一步跟着你

I don't even mind if I fall into your trap / 甚至不介意落入你的陷阱

I can't deny, deny / 我无法否认,不能否认

My heart is beating along your side / 我的心在你身边跳动

We all can't stop this fight / 我们都无法阻止这场战争

Many ways I might have tried / 我可能已经尝试过很多方法

I hope my tears are gone / 我希望我的眼泪已经消失

So you don't see them when you turn around / 这样当你转身时就不会看到

Somehow I got lost and / 我不知何故而迷失

Drowning in deep ocean / 沉溺于深海中

Till the drop of rain fall from heaven / 直到一颗雨滴从天堂坠落

I realized it's you trying to save me / 我意识到那是你,试图将我拯救

When I'm staring at the Milky Way / 当我仰望银河

I feel the touch of your arms still holding me around / 我感受到你的手臂依旧将我紧紧环绕

We shatter darkest moment with LOVE / 我们会用爱击碎极暗时刻

Your name becomes my faith / 你的名字成为了我的信仰

I called it a million times / 我曾千万次的呼唤

But never hear it back / 却从未得到回应

I never hear it back / 从未听到你的回应

Somehow I got lost and / 我不知何故而迷失

Drenched in some unbreathable pain / 浸透于某种无法呼吸的痛楚之中

Till the dawn light glanced on / 直到黎明的光束掠过

I realized it's you / 我意识到那是你

Trying to save me with your unhealed aching soul / 试图用你尚未愈合的伤痛的灵魂将我拯救

Wish I could grope the whisper on your lips without a sound / 希望我能触摸你嘴唇上无声的耳语

Wish I could say a proper GOODBYE / 希望能和你好好说一声「再见」

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