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04.If Una Is A Cat
04.If Una Is A Cat

04.If Una Is A Cat

R&B / SoulMe In Dat Blue

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04.If Una Is A Cat

04.If Una Is A Cat


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發布時間 2018-12-28


〈If Una Is A Cat〉
LINION 嘗試自己創作的第一首歌,歌名取自當兵收假前兩小時認識的網友 ID,以一
隻很愛在家 Chill 的貓發展出的想像情節。行雲流水的吉他前奏,出自熱愛 John Mayer
的 LINION 自己,保證聽過一遍就不會忘記;後半段變奏的人聲疊唱,則是 LINION
想著美聲團體 Boyz II Men 唱出的正統 R&B 韻味。

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作曲 Composer:LINION
作詞 Lyricist:LINION

If Una is a cat
She will never like a dog
She just wanna chillin’ out the flow
Then I break down for her lord

If Una is a cat
She can stay in the sweet home
And watching out the window
The bird will come and say hello

But I had something that can't tell you
But I had something that can't tell you

If Una is a cat
She will never like a dog
She just wanna chillin’ out the flow
Then I break down for her lord

If Una is a cat
She can stay in the sweet home
And watching out the window
The bird will come and say hello

But I had something that can't tell you
But I had something that can't tell you

You are charming you want fix it
But that's how the world exist
You are breathing you can against it
You are strong enough to be there

You are charming you want fix it
But that's how the world exist
You are breathing you can against it
You are strong enough to be there

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