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子虛 Empty
子虛 Empty

子虛 Empty


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子虛 Empty

子虛 Empty


發布時間 2024-06-28


  • Ming Ho
  • anoel


《子虛 EMPTY》微電影 (香港製作)
Short Flim (Produced from Hong Kong)

「將空樽收於夾萬 / 加上深鎖 / 終究也腐爛」

作為原創微電影《子虛 Empty》的主題曲,「子虛」一詞比喻為生命的虛無。當生命要消失時,它可以立即消失,不留任何情面。縱使你把疼惜的人的生命 (空樽) 鎖於夾萬內,保護著它,但也阻止不了它終歸會腐爛的事實。

這一首歌是以我女兒在她的夢境中碰到已離逝的嫲嫲作為靈感,夢中曾經最疼愛她的嫲嫲竟然認不出她,於是女兒在夢中放聲大哭,然後嫲嫲拖著她的手買雪糕來哄她 -- 即使嫲嫲已認不出這孫女,但仍會哄她,叫她不要哭。

「簡單不需假設 / 就像是一張新的白紙 / 你繼續填上 / 每天新一章 / 我會配合這種方向」

可能嫲嫲已經喝過孟婆湯,重新上路; 而女兒亦要接受這現實,配合這事實。原創微電影《子虛 Empty》,也因為這件事而應運而生。

“Put the empty bottle into the safety box / With the huge lock / but it will be decayed finally” (lyrics from “Empty”)

As the theme song of short film “EMPTY”, “EMPTY” means the nihility of life. Life will disappear suddenly without any notification. You may lock the life of your nearest and dearest (empty bottle) into the safety box to protect it, but you cannot avoid the fact that his / her life will be decayed finally.

This song was inspired by my daughter’s dream which met her died grandma in her dream. In her dream, her grandma did not recognize her although her grandma used to love her very much. She could not accept and cried loudly, then her grandma held her hand and bought an ice cream to coax her – on the view of her grandma, grandma did not know her but still coaxed her not to cry.

“It is simple without assumption / Like a brand-new white paper / You can fill in / New topic in everyday / I will cooperate with this direction”

Grandma may has drunk Lethe water and got back on life’s road. Therefore, my daughter can only accept this fact and cooperate with it.
《子虛 EMPTY》簡介 Introduction:

將於 2024 年 8 月發佈的原創微電影《子虛 EMPTY》,是探討面對生命消逝時的內心感受 -- 壓抑、掩飾、依賴、自尊心作崇。

The original short film "EMPTY" which will be released in August 2024. This film explores the inner feelings of facing the loss of life - suppression, concealment, dependence and self-esteem.


What are you looking for? Your Id? Your ego? Or your superego?


He follows his Id’s desires, then shows a sense of "being protected" in a super-ego way to find someone to accompany and share. However, the sense of "being protected" encounters many obstacles due to the driving by the egos of himself and others. Finally, his Id is not satisfied and a nameless sense of lack arises.
《子虛 Empty》
製作團隊 Short Film Production:

導演 Director: leungarto
編劇 Screenwriter: leungarto
攝影指導 Director of Photography: JonnyC ( @jonny13002 )
演員 Actor: Ken Shum ( @hokenshum ), 譚詩茵 (@tamszeyy ), Ming Ho ( @mtsuning )
剪輯 Editor: leungarto
原聲配樂 OST: anoel ( ), Ming Ho, leungarto

Spotify - leungarto:
Apple Music - leungarto :
KKBOX - leungarto:
Bandcamp - leungarto:
StreetVoice 街聲 - leungarto:
Mugazine 摩格聲 YouTube Channel:

#譚詩茵 #hokenshum #mingho #anoel #jonnyc #leungarto #子虛empty #本我 #自我 #超我 #id #ego #superego #前後左右 #早餐A #將空樽收於夾萬加上深鎖終究也腐爛 #你繼續填上每天新一章我會配合這種方向 #原創短片 #微電影 #shortfilm #microfilm #mugazinehk #香港創作 #獨立創作 #indie

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《子虛 Empty》
唱 Vocal : leungarto
作曲 / 填詞 Composer / Lyric : leungarto
編曲 Arrangement : Ming Ho / leungarto / anoel

沿路掛上記印桌布貼滿畫 不必擔心 盡管轉變
前面與你拍照笑了要折返 踱步 連發夢都
跟不到 節奏步速 呼口氣 才追得到 記不起我的姓 第一個字母

過了十年後仍會否記得 當天三點十四分穿得有否合襯
穿梭於簇擁的街市裡 在今天的境況你要一追再追
簡單不需假設 就像是一張新的白紙
你繼續填上 每天新一章 我會配合這種方向

凡人裡 像玻璃的空樽被拋出於廢墟 無憑據 似小丑的波板糖吃過便告吹
將空樽收於夾萬 加上深鎖 終究也腐爛
凡塵裡 我倒不如今天輕輕說一句

看過這套戲 錯過溫馨的晚餐 攀過一百哩 到達另一個據點
昨天今天明天與後天 每一天的一點點 這一點點會化作烏有

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