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早餐A Breakfast A
早餐A Breakfast A

早餐A Breakfast A


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早餐A Breakfast A

早餐A Breakfast A


發布時間 2024-06-28


  • Ming Ho
  • anoel


《子虛 EMPTY》微電影 (香港製作)
Short Flim (Produced from Hong Kong)

當中有 Ming Ho ( @mtsunging )演繹這一首原創歌《早餐A Breakfast A》作為短片的背景音樂及主題曲之一。《早餐A Breakfast A》的正式版本會以大氣電子風格示人,而 BGM 版本則以原始的木結他自彈自唱形式嵌入短片之中。

早餐 A,意指餐廳的餐牌裡「早餐款式 A」,作為香港人對「早餐A」這詞不會陌生。而當熟悉的事物忽然失去時,那種患得患失、忐忑不安的感覺,雖然令人無所適從,但又使人沉溺其中 ---- 這種自虐的心態,正是這首歌要表達的內容。

Ming Ho (@mtsunging) performed this original song "Breakfast A" as one of the background music and theme songs of the short film. The official version of "Breakfast A" will be shown in an atmospheric electronic style, while the BGM version will be embedded in the short film with the form of self acoustic guitar playing and singing.

Breakfast A means "Meal Breakfast A" on the restaurant's menu. As a Hong Kong people, the term "Breakfast A" is familiar to us. When the familiar things are suddenly lost, the feeling of worry and uneasiness that makes people feel at a loss what to do which also makes people indulge in it. This kind of masochistic mentality is exactly what this song wants to express.
《子虛 EMPTY》簡介 Introduction:

將於 2024 年 8 月發佈的原創微電影《子虛 EMPTY》,是探討面對生命消逝時的內心感受 -- 壓抑、掩飾、依賴、自尊心作崇。

The original short film "EMPTY" which will be released in August 2024. This film explores the inner feelings of facing the loss of life - suppression, concealment, dependence and self-esteem.


What are you looking for? Your Id? Your ego? Or your superego?


He follows his Id’s desires, then shows a sense of "being protected" in a super-ego way to find someone to accompany and share. However, the sense of "being protected" encounters many obstacles due to the driving by the egos of himself and others. Finally, his Id is not satisfied and a nameless sense of lack arises.
《子虛 Empty》
製作團隊 Short Film Production:

導演 Director: leungarto
編劇 Screenwriter: leungarto
攝影指導 Director of Photography: JonnyC ( @jonny13002 )
演員 Actor: Ken Shum ( @hokenshum ), 譚詩茵 (@tamszeyy ), Ming Ho ( @mtsuning )
剪輯 Editor: leungarto
原聲配樂 OST: anoel ( ), Ming Ho, leungarto

Spotify - leungarto:
Apple Music - leungarto :
KKBOX - leungarto:
Bandcamp - leungarto:
StreetVoice 街聲 - leungarto:
Mugazine 摩格聲 YouTube Channel:

#譚詩茵 #hokenshum #mingho #anoel #jonnyc #leungarto #子虛empty #本我 #自我 #超我 #id #ego #superego #前後左右 #早餐A #將空樽收於夾萬加上深鎖終究也腐爛 #你繼續填上每天新一章我會配合這種方向 #原創短片 #微電影 #shortfilm #microfilm #mugazinehk #香港創作 #獨立創作 #indie

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《早餐A Breakfast A》
主唱 Vocal : Ming Ho
作曲 / 填詞 Composer / Lyric : leungarto
編曲 Arrangement : anoel / leungarto

在細嚼這厚多士的味道裡 在抱怨這個公園多沒樂趣
在套房酣睡 這霧水 滴進這玩具 看不見誰

這早餐中 分享過淚與夢 結尾永未揭盅

再吃十次 快樂 再吃十次 閉幕 約見為你化妝 奢望 失落
天空降落地殼 紙鷂碰上雲角 夜裡欣賞 這份感覺

逆線去駕車衝出公路盡碎 未習慣去吃早餐拂袖而去
我不需羨慕 太沒趣 再見於陌路 鏡片太矇

看不清楚 聲音也沒震動 決意繼續放空

這晚閱覽哲學 發覺人際隔膜 美化矇騙說謊 驕傲 誹謗
相機記載輪廓 捉緊剎那視覺 讓這畫面 腦內閃過

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