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Passiflora edulis - Ida Lee
Passiflora edulis - Ida Lee

Passiflora edulis - Ida Lee


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Passiflora edulis - Ida Lee

Passiflora edulis - Ida Lee


發布時間 2021-02-13


《 Passiflora edulis 》(熱情果) 是Ida的全詞曲創作。這個紛擾迷惘、讓人來不及消化的世界,有沒有一個空間,可以讓我們浪漫致死,找回生活的熱情?這首Bossa Nova小品呈現一種慵懶的浪漫,以俏皮輕鬆的口氣唱出熱情幸福的氛圍。

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作曲 Composer/ 作詞 Lyrics: Ida Lee
編曲 Music Arrangement: Fabien Wong
製作人 Producer: Thomas Lo, Fabien Wong, Ida Lee
色士風 Saxophone: Kiko De Pano
長笛 Flute/ 低音結他 Bass/ 敲擊樂器 Percussions: Floro Sernande Jr
結他 Guitar: Fabien Wong
和聲 Backing Vocal: Ida Lee
錄音師 Recording Engineer: Thomas Lo
混音師 Mixing Engineer: Thomas Lo
母帶後期處理 Mastering: Thomas Lo
錄音室Recording Studio/ 混音錄音室 Mixing Studio: Q2 Studio

Passiflora edulis

Sweet memories
Come to me my boy kiss my lips
Use your fantasy
Just be what you wanna be

Through my veins
I'm addicted to you
Down on your knees
But you set me free
Like babies we both fall asleep

Take off your working spurs and swing my soul desire
And you will give to me
Passiflora edulis

Look at your face and you say be my queen
Turn on sidelights and the music move my feet
Open my heart to you and you blow my mind
Passiflora edulis

Sweet memories
Come to me my boy kiss my lips
Use your fantasy
Just be what you wanna be

Through my veins
I'm addicted to you
Down on your knees
But you set me free
Like babies we both fall asleep

Put off your working time and set me on fire
And I will to give you
Passiflora edulis

Look at your face and you say be my queen
Turn on sidelights and the music move my feet
Open my heart to you and you blow my mind
Passiflora edulis
Passiflora edulis

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