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The Castle of Angels- When the story begins(intro)
The Castle of Angels- When the story begins(intro)

The Castle of Angels- When the story begins(intro)


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The Castle of Angels- When the story begins(intro)

The Castle of Angels- When the story begins(intro)


發布時間 2009-08-18


Legend has it that long time ago above the cloud,
there was a secret castle lived with angels of all
kinds. So people called it The Castle of Angels.
Heavily guarded as it was, all angels there had
to follow the demand of the elder, Gabriel.
They had to work all day and couldn't be in touch
with the human being on the ground or they would be
punished to deprive of the power as an angel...
Days after days, years after years, the sky was always so
quiet until one day in the midnight, a young angel broke the
rules, he secretly flied down to the ground, and decided to
sacrifice for his love...

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