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the bed 2618
the bed 2618

the bed 2618

AlternativeCookie with Stars

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the bed 2618

the bed 2618

Freakie pam-pam Liu
Freakie pam-pam Liu

發布時間 2007-08-01


just for Kiu,Tun,and Matthew!

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little chance make us met
never trust it wasn't a dream
the memory still remain in our mind
around and around and around

always doubt what's wrong with ourselves
why everyone just go away
thanks god we met
you make us understand how special we are

we were sweating but still hand in hand
the night will stay forever
but the goodbye is so brief
back to that time we still hoping

wish we got bravery to hold
dont care where we should be
just make good memories this time
and keep saying these lovely words

look those stars , they will shine for you
look those stars, they will shine for me
look those stars, they will shine for us

when you lonely i will be those stars
just keep missing me and those touch
maybe one day we will forget
cause we were so much young

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