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That's the best time to write a song
That's the best time to write a song

That's the best time to write a song


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That's the best time to write a song

That's the best time to write a song

Kaki Lam
Kaki Lam

發布時間 2015-09-02



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That's the best time to write a song

That's the best time to write a song when unemployed,
coz it's better than to spend time on something wrong.
That's the best time to wake my soul for talking and talking and talking long, or somewhere I can go for a long walk.
It's the time to think deep and strong to widen the sight and horizon.
That's the best time to write a song which's spelling all the words to express in my own way.
That's the best time to write a song to whom I care that's all I want.
That's the best time to write a song

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