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《樂自心中來》笛の薩滿 Shaman Of The Flute (Blueboat)
《樂自心中來》笛の薩滿 Shaman Of The Flute (Blueboat)

《樂自心中來》笛の薩滿 Shaman Of The Flute (Blueboat)

WorldJeremy Hammony

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《樂自心中來》笛の薩滿 Shaman Of The Flute (Blueboat)

《樂自心中來》笛の薩滿 Shaman Of The Flute (Blueboat)

Jeremy Hammony 吉若米
Jeremy Hammony 吉若米

發布時間 2023-07-06


01 笛の薩滿 Shaman Of The Flute 00:00:00
02 神秘故事 Mystical Tales 04:07:27
03 林の語 Incantations in the Wood 09:13:00
04 秘の笛子旋律 Mystical Flute Melodies 13:50:03
05 華星塵 Stardust Splendor 17:52:05
06 樂自心中來 Music from the Heart 21:52:12

This album is mainly based on live performance recordings, and the music style combines various elements, including pop, electronic and so on.Among them, the blueboat's masterpiece "Music from the Heart" was also included, and a unique version was rearranged.


On this mysterious night, a young musician was attracted by this powerful force. Following the sound, he walked into a forest and found a radiant instrument. When he began to play this instrument, a powerful musical force began to hover in the forest and produced magical changes.


*The construction of the Blueboat requires a lot of resources and technical support, and requires the cooperation of many countries to complete. Negotiations and cooperation between countries continued for many years, until a consensus was finally reached, and the construction plan of the Blueboat was officially launched.


Set: @JeremyHammony
Art: @Jeremy-Hammony
4 - 23 - 23, 5.10.15 PM

#Blueboat #JeremyHammony #ShamanoftheFlute #Taipei #Love

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