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Soul And Body (For fun)
Soul And Body (For fun)

Soul And Body (For fun)


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Soul And Body (For fun)

Soul And Body (For fun)

Iris Mak
Iris Mak

發布時間 2023-03-14


Inspired by Judith Butler "Gender Trouble":
"The soul is precisely what the body lacks; hence, the body presents itself as a signifying lack. That lack which is the body signifies the soul as that which cannot show....... In Foucault’s terms, the soul is not imprisoned by or within the body, as some Christian imagery would suggest, but “the soul is the prison of the body.”


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"The Soul
So Abstract
That's I don’t know
What it is" X2

口白:That’s why I am lost

"I have hated my body before
I felt my soul being locked
Though may be that’s my body being locked by the soul" X2

兩元對立 分裂 賤斥 Abject
What is love?
What is belonging?
Where is home?
I don’t know
Keep exploring……

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