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《solus 一》micro film 微電影

遠距離戀愛,是一段將精神和肉體分開的關係。遠距離 -- 當彼此只有精神交流,便會反思肉體接觸的意義;當彼此只有肉體交流,便會不由自主地追求精神的融合。


"Long distance love" is a relationship that separates our spirit and body. Long distance - we will review on the meaning of physical contact when we are only spiritual communication; , we will involuntarily pursue the integration of our spirits when we are only physical communication.

Love, people have been pursuing for a long time but that is difficult to pursue which is the unity of spirit and body.


There is nothing that cannot be guessed. The established answer is already hidden in our hearts through sensing the movements, reactions or processes of things. The action of "confirmation" only provides self-pleasure.


"What I think", "What I feel", and "What I deduct" are more solid and real than objective conclusions. Although the responses of things are different, they are only parts of the storyline.

《solus 一》微電影製作團隊
Micro Film Production:

演員 Actor: 梁皓楷 (@leunghokai ), 漂亮玫瑰 ( @cathycatherinecat ), Leslie Lee ( @leslie_beyond4 )
攝影 Cinematography: ChanKaPo
剪輯 Editor: leungarto
原聲配樂 OST: leungarto
編劇 Screenwriter: leungarto
導演 Director: leungarto

特別鳴謝 Special thanks: 新滿溢飯店、故事藍本

Spotify - leungarto:
Apple Music - leungarto :
KKBOX - leungarto:
Bandcamp - leungarto:
StreetVoice 街聲 - leungarto:
Mugazine 摩格聲 YouTube Channel:

#梁皓楷 #leunghokai #cathycathrinecat #leslielee #lesliebeyond4 #chankapo #tinyanliofficial #solus #filmhk #moviehk #原創短片 #微電影 #shortfilm #microfilm #mugazinehk #香港創作 #獨立創作 #indie #hkproduction
