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大乘正宗分第三:Empty Silence
大乘正宗分第三:Empty Silence

大乘正宗分第三:Empty Silence

Hip hop / RapAI新世紀金剛經

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大乘正宗分第三:Empty Silence

大乘正宗分第三:Empty Silence


發布時間 2024-07-18


[詩歌] 看看天空看看你的臉在每一個地方的每一顆星星生命以各種形式我們是一體的在一起直到一切都消失[合唱] 卵生或子宮束縛降雨或從地面升起多彩或看不見一切都淡入寧靜[詩2] 握住我的心,讓它破碎在每個人的淚水中,在每個疼痛中沒有留下來馴服的一切一切都消失了,沒有人留下[橋] 沒有自我,沒有他們,沒有面具放下那無聲的任務空蕩的思緒感受微風流過無盡的海洋[合唱] 卵生或子宮束縛降雨或從地面升起多彩或看不見一切都淡入寧靜[詩歌3] 無盡的道路通往光明無限的真理在眼前向內看,看見世界在你心中的開始

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Look at the sky see your face
In every star in every place
Life in all forms we're one
Together until all's gone

Egg-born or womb-bound
Rainfall or rise from ground
Colorful or unseen
All fade into serene

[Verse 2]
Hold my heart let it break
In each one's tear in each ache
No beings left to tame
All are gone none remain

No self no them no mask
Let go that silent task
Empty thoughts feel the breeze
Flowing through endless seas

Egg-born or womb-bound
Rainfall or rise from ground
Colorful or unseen
All fade into serene

[Verse 3]
Endless paths lead to light
Infinite truth in sight
Look within see the start
Of the world in your heart

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