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7 月





2023 年 7 月 8 日 | 星期六 | 19:00

Kaohsiung City・Kaohsiung Music Center / Hi-Ing Music Hall查看地圖

鎖吶・Suming舒米恩・Janet・陳建年・阿跨面・馬克/SAVAGE.M & Shawn・滅火器 Fire EX.・蔡振南・唐美雲歌仔戲團・黃妃・西卿・曹雅雯・高雄市交響樂團・JazzIsland爵士島・蔣進興與第二代馬蘭吟唱隊・米莎・周自從 Since Chou・栢樂座・海軍軍官學校鼓號樂隊・吉董・世紀合唱團・陳錫煌傳統掌中劇團

5 位街聲音樂人



2023 Presidential Office Concert


Since 1991, the Presidential Office Concert has amplified the sounds of Taiwan far and wide, becoming the much-anticipated celebration of music we enjoy today. The 2023 concert, held at the Kaohsiung Music Center, links the diverse cultures of this beautiful land through the imagery of the sea. Its five themes – Sea: Our heritage, Sea: Our fighting spirit, Sea: Our drive, Sea: Our vision, and Sea: Us, together – reflect the rich, distinctive, and diverse nature of Taiwanese music.


This year's concert is more than just a musical performance; it is an expression of Taiwan's multicultural, inclusive, and resilient character for the world to see. Crossing borders, languages, generations, and disciplines, the concert promises an unparalleled sensory experience of sight and sound.

Beside the tranquil flow of Kaohsiung's Love River, in confluence with the vast sea, we will come together and set sail for the world. On this grand stage, we will project Taiwan's confidence, beauty, and uniqueness through the power of music, writing a new chapter in the story of Taiwan's music culture.