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Echoes on cobblestone
Echoes on cobblestone

Echoes on cobblestone

Post rock

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Echoes on cobblestone

Echoes on cobblestone


發布時間 2024-03-16



[guitar solo]

Under the flickering lights,
shadows merge with my strides.
The night whispers,
holding my tales,

Under the flickering lights,
shadows merge with my strides.
as I wrap my coat tighter,
against the silent cries.

Echoes on cobblestone, stories left untold,
The night hums under the moon’s hold.
And the city sighs, with each story it hides.

[guitar solo]

A forgotten scarf, colors washed away,
Like my dreams in the rain, where they lay. The air, heavy with whispers of the past,
As I walk on, to the dawn, at last.

[Percussion Break]
[guitar solo]

Echoes on cobblestone, stories left untold,
The night hums under the moon’s hold.
And the city sighs, with each story it hides.

[guitar solo]

A forgotten scarf, colors washed away,
Like my dreams in the rain, where they lay. The air, heavy with whispers of the past,
As I walk on, to the dawn, to the dawn.

Echoes on cobblestone, stories left untold,
The night hums under the moon’s hold.
And the city sighs, with each story it hides.

Echoes on cobblestone, stories left untold,

Echoes on cobblestone, stories left untold,
Echoes on cobblestone, stories left untold,
Echoes on cobblestone


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