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想 ﹣ Gazing At the Sea of People My Imagination Starts to Flourish I Look a Bit Further and Somehow Their Heads Explode.
想 ﹣ Gazing At the Sea of People My Imagination Starts to Flourish I Look a Bit Further and Somehow Their Heads Explode.

想 ﹣ Gazing At the Sea of People My Imagination Starts to Flourish I Look a Bit Further and Somehow Their Heads Explode.

RockI See You Watching Me While I'm Watching

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想 ﹣ Gazing At the Sea of People My Imagination Starts to Flourish I Look a Bit Further and Somehow Their Heads Explode.

想 ﹣ Gazing At the Sea of People My Imagination Starts to Flourish I Look a Bit Further and Somehow Their Heads Explode.

Forget the G
Forget the G

發布時間 2012-08-29


Forget the G 大膽地作了一個實驗、一個嘗試。
當日中午12時到晚上10時, 在沒有構思計劃下,
樂隊為「澳門城市藝穗節」上演了一個節目 「你看我看你」

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