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Dreams - The Cranberries (cover)
Dreams - The Cranberries (cover)

Dreams - The Cranberries (cover)


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Dreams - The Cranberries (cover)

Dreams - The Cranberries (cover)


發布時間 2016-12-30


20160927 recorded in Chungking
2016年9月 那时我刚辞职一个多月 在旅途中
看过王家卫导演的重庆森林 爱上了梦中人 和那个拥有小鹿般闪烁眼神的阿菲
阿菲「梦游」去633(663)家 我也常梦游跑去13号楼
只不过一年后的阿菲和633身份对调后重逢 而我和那个男生未来应该没机会再见了
我没去香港 两个月后真的追着他的脚步 跑去了重庆
其实这首歌之前在北京录过一次 但录完又删掉了 总觉得这首歌一定要在重庆录才对
旅途中没带设备 只用了iPad和garageband 录下了很大底噪的这么一首Dreams
那天重庆在下雨 青旅阳台的视野很好 嘉陵江上雾蒙蒙的
在重庆的那些天 每晚都会跑到江边发呆

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Oh my life
is changing everyday
In every possible way
And oh my dreams
it's never quiet as it seems
Never quiet as it seems

I know I've felt like this before
but now I'm feeling it even more
Because it came from you
And then I open up and see
the person falling here is me
A different way to be

I want more
imposible to ignore
Imposible to ignore
And they'll come true
impossible not to do
Impossible not to do

And now I tell you openly
you have my heart so don't hurt me
You're what I couldn't find
A totally amazing mind
so understanding and so kind
You're everything to me

Oh my life
Is changing every day
In every possible way
And oh my dreams
It's never quiet as it seems
'Cause you're a dream to me
Dream to me

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