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The only one
The only one

The only one


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The only one

The only one


發布時間 2023-01-02


Genre:Slap house
詞/曲:Junior Paes

Junior Paes looper man:
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最近做作品越來越得心應手,這首歌只花了我大概11個小時(編曲+混音+後期,分兩天),跟第一首rave up的兩個禮拜比起來,我覺得不管是製作的速度還是精度我都有確實的提升

P.S. 突然發現這首歌的歌詞跟我上一段感情70%像,這樣我算是完成某人的需求了(?

2023/1/5 更 我又額外花了約15個小時重做混音跟母帶,因為把舊的版本跟國外的水準比對之下實在高下立叛,我不死心

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I need to confess, you're not the only one
stuck in my mind
But I'm thinking now I'm going to take you home
I will love you in the moonlight.

but I have to be careful
I can do no wrong and maybe I can call you mine
But we have to keep this secret
Can we keep this lie?

The problem is not you, it's just me
I want to live in the land of free
and I can't stop loving these guys
I can't get you out of my mind

The problem is not you, it's just me
I want to live in the land of free
and I can't stop loving these guys
I can't get you out of my mind

I need to confess, you're not the only one
unless you want to try
show me your secrets I tell you my lies
what do you want to know about me?

but I have to be careful
I can do no wrong and maybe I can call you mine
But we have to keep this secret
Can we keep this lie?

It was so fast, it was not meant to be.
I did not want to lie
Nothing is what it seems
and I will tell you why

The problem is not you, it's just me
I want to live in the land of free
and I can't stop loving these guys
I can't get you out of my mind

The problem is not you, it's just me
I want to live in the land of free
and I can't stop loving these guys
I can't get you out of my mind

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