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Because I want to track down  of you
Because I want to track down  of you

Because I want to track down of you


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Because I want to track down  of you

Because I want to track down of you

Crow Pin ( 烏鴉 )
Crow Pin ( 烏鴉 )

發布時間 2009-10-28


一個想愛想被愛 卻不想連累另一半的 故事..

說著 想把心愛的人找回來 ... 卻又礙於自己的生活環境....

是種矛盾... 是種無法言語的不捨....

只能回味著過去 留戀在與她相識的地方徘徊...

但... 既使有天真的等到她.... 我也會躲的遠遠的....

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i in very high place
look at the round trip crowd

Seeks repeatedly
i live in this city the significance

i cry sigh loudly i shout desperately

wants to be me who i want
I knew that is not easy

I knew that I can do am not many
you not necessary wait for me

Because I will not have the stable future……

Sometimes I ride the bus
Sometimes I between crowd
Sometimes I the dining room which often goes in you

Because I want to track down
track down…. of you….

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