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Undersoil Awakening
Undersoil Awakening

Undersoil Awakening


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Undersoil Awakening

Undersoil Awakening

Chass Chen
Chass Chen

發布時間 2024-06-16


Lyrics by Chass Chen
Composed by Suno
Vocal: ACE Studio

Inspired by the hidden depths beneath the earth's surface, this song pulses with anticipation and mystery.

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Beneath the earth's veiled shroud I lie
In darkness deep, where shadows sigh
Unseen by mortal eyes, I dwell
In silent realms, where secrets swell

Whispers in the night, echo unseen
A hidden plight, in realms between
Beneath the soil, I bide my time
Waiting for the stars to align

My essence pulses, unseen, unheard
A song unsung, a whispered word
In the stillness of the earth's embrace
I weave my dreams in time and space

Whispers in the night, echo unseen
A hidden plight, in realms between
Beneath the soil, I bide my time
Waiting for the stars to align

As the earth trembles and the sky unfurls,
I emerge, a creature of the underworld.
Whispers fade into the dawn's embrace,
As I dance to the rhythm of cosmic grace.

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