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Slow Down
Slow Down

Slow Down

AlternativeLOVELY SUNDAY樂芙莉聖代

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椅子樂團 The Chairs

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發布時間 2018-07-16


製作人Producer|黃榮毅(Eazie) Rongyi Huang
詞曲song and lyrics written by|裘詠靖YunJin Chiu
編曲arranged by|椅子樂團The Chairs(裘詠靖YunJin Chiu、陳仲穎Zhong Chen、孫伯元Benson Sun)
客座樂手Guest Musician|Cody Byassee
錄音工程師Recording Engineers|陳以霖Chen Yi Lin@大小眼錄音室、錢煒安Zen Chien@112F Recording Studio
錄音助理Recording Assistant|陳祺龍Chris Chen
混音工程師Mixing Engineers|Andy Baker@玉成戲院錄音室Yu Cheng Cinema Studio
母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer|Joel August Hatstat@ Joel Hatstat Audio, USA

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Slow it down, oh why don’t we? Slow it down.
Take a trip to a lovely town on an any given sunny day.
Driving a small red van
Sing along to Penny Lane
Until the stars all rise again
Ba da da

Slow it down, oh yes baby, slow it down.
Take a trip to the beachside on an any given sunny day.
Driving through the Golden Gate.
A sip of coffee, a cigarette.
Until the stars all rise again
Ba da da

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