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椅子樂團 The Chairs

12 月


【 椅子樂團 2024 《倖存者》專場巡迴 】- 台北場

  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2013-03-03


有時候庸庸碌碌的過著生活,忘記要駐足欣賞身邊的一切……。世界就像是個萬花筒,不同的面向展現出不一樣的精采。我們不應再賴在被窩中了!每個生命都是一幅幅上帝的巨作,加點色彩吧!’60英倫搖滾結合放克與藍調元素,帶給聽眾繽紛的想像。利用這首歌,我們向The Beatles、John Mayer等偉大的音樂人致敬。

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Stop and stare at the world, you'll find
It's a kaleidoscope of various style
It takes you to the highway waiting for a drive and
key's on your hand, come on and have your own ride

Don't stand still waiting, come on add some color to
your masterpiece, oh lift your hand up now
Keep on painting, add some color, add some color to
your masterpiece, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!

Wake up, dude, don't keep stick to your bed, I
see you waste your fun time like Coke overnight
Now grab my arm, and twist your body, and wear your smile
cuz' world's such a kaleidoscope of various style

Now, Mama says, "Little Johnny you've enjoy the great day,
dinner's ready don't you wanna go back inside?'
And I say, "No!"

I won't stand still waiting, come on add some color to
your masterpiece, oh lift your hand up now
Keep on painting, add some color, add some color to
your masterpiece, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!

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