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i wish you a merry X'mas all the time
i wish you a merry X'mas all the time

i wish you a merry X'mas all the time


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i wish you a merry X'mas all the time

i wish you a merry X'mas all the time


發布時間 2009-12-24


i said goodbye to you at Thursday morning. it is so cold in my mind

i wanna tell you that merry X'mas i miss you at X'mas night

the wind blow through forest the candle sparkling night

i'm lonely in my chamber thinking of you

i walk down through the street and see you at X'mas party

i wish you a merry X'mas all the time

i wish you a merry X'mas all the time

i wish you a merry X'mas all the time

i wish you a merry X'mas all the time

i wish you a merry X'mas all the time

at the Silent silent night i miss you

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