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The Slaughter In Shuraba (320Kbps)
The Slaughter In Shuraba (320Kbps)

The Slaughter In Shuraba (320Kbps)


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The Slaughter In Shuraba (320Kbps)

The Slaughter In Shuraba (320Kbps)

Burns Inside
Burns Inside

發布時間 2019-07-22


“the slaughter in shuraba”,中文直译:血战修罗场。作为乐队首张全长专辑的内核主题,贯穿其中,在更多层面上来做表达。希望能从积极的角度,带给听众面对纷扰永不屈服抗争到底的勇气。

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歌詞 動態歌詞

Doomed to fight now
Thought where you throw away
Dead man says
A miserable word
Bad name I take
Peel the skin to wake
Escape is unable to pay back enough
Right there
A thirsty heart in thou hands
(when the lights goes down)
Through it all
(With no pain now)
With no fear to divide
Right now
Remember this moment
(Harvest for your law)
Be a god
(Combat in war)
Tear me with terror
(I deserve)
I am overcoming all
(I am standing on the top)
With wounded feet
(At the front)
Everybody maybe killed in slaughter
Send me Lord
Killed or die for
(No matter what)
No one doubt me now
(No matter how)
My blood shall burn
Turn down
Overcoming all
Bath in blood
See my lord
Eyes on the road
Why should I surprise
The infinite dark
Eyes on the road
My god will embrace
Attack, overcome,attack
Yeah !
Right there
A thirsty heart in thou hands
(when the lights goes down)
Through it all
(With no pain now)
With no fear to divide
Right now
Remember this moment
(Harvest for your law)
Be a god
(Combat in war)
Come to my battle
Pick it up your upset lose
So you very high with emotion
Nothing to bury out
We surpass, surpass
Take them down again again
Hold the line now
Fuel in vessel now you listen
Fight and fight and fight
You are high divine
New blood can burns
Slaughter **ing going on

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