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Murder Down The Alleyway
Murder Down The Alleyway

Murder Down The Alleyway

RockThe Great Fall Onto Madness

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Murder Down The Alleyway

Murder Down The Alleyway

Mr Bones and The Boneyard Circus
Mr Bones and The Boneyard Circus

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發布時間 2018-03-22


Murder down the alley way
seeing people death, death, death
Killing killing shooting stabbing
A knife through your neck, neck, neck

Murder down the alley way
seeing people die
Broken dreams are ready to face them
So see them fall deep inside

The devils boys are ready to fright
Showing these goody-goods that we are right

All scared the mysterious slip of the tongue
Once lit from his home called hell
As he speaks of this fiery pit once cold
By these heavenly drips with spells
As the glamorous speech that we hear out speaks
The god that we preach
The Fiend just screeched

The Devil.

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