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I Believe in Myself
I Believe in Myself

I Believe in Myself


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I Believe in Myself

I Believe in Myself


發布時間 2007-05-01


The other rap song eh?? Well.... This song is basically describing what I've been through
for the past 10 years. I wrote them down as a story, my life story.
I always believe in myself, and always told myself, if I am willing to do something
there aren't anything that I can't do. So.. Believe in yourself, You can do it as well.

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(Verse 1)
2007年我現在站在舞台上, 手裡沒有歌詞只有麥克風在我手裡
腦海裡, 像是人生的走馬燈一張張的照片,讓我回憶過去的種種事情

小時後不懂事,常常惹媽生氣,想說who cares 今日有酒今日醉 oh no
不知道死活,飆車,打架,混幫派, 從來沒有怕過, 也從來沒想過, 沒有想過

還記得國小五年級, 帶啤酒去學校喝九的事情, 被老師拳打腳踢
媽媽傷心的帶我去驗傷, 永遠永遠無法忘記, 您那時候臉上的淚光
老師下跪哭泣的來我家say sorry, 我當初還以為自己很屌,很風光
oh~ 老媽每天以淚洗面, 我卻不懂, 不懂, 每天大口喝酒吃麵.

放蕩的生活, 黑暗的世界, 有時候我也害怕, 報應會在我身上出現
睡覺的時候不知道明天是死是活, 想要重新來過, 過沒有恐懼的生活

想當初作發財的夢, 開檳榔攤過生活, 卻沉迷再檳榔西施的大腿作夢,
好沒有用, 生活應該要跟著flow go, 但不知到我下一步該往哪走

I Believe in myself,
no matter what you've said to me
Whoever you want me to be
I am only gonna be..

I Believe in myself,
I can be whatever I wanna do
Don't Give a shit about you
I just wanna believe, X2
Believe in myself

(Verse 2 TANK)
life doesnt please
time doesnt freeze
and thuy always drops three platinum keys

mc delta T sits here with me
a fob and a chink are no enemies
no felonies
just taiwanese
and a fob makin tracks that'll shake your knees

you anticipate, yea u wait for these
enginerds at work but we makin beats
and makin G's, cuz i run the streets
of waterloo? well its still the streets

over here there's a rule of thumb
you can't be dumb
and if a nerd walks by
better spray febreeze

i hang with my boys, eat master's choice,
and rejoice like a vietnamese

then i gotta mention -
do i really gotta question
whose keys are these?

i think its thuy's - new pair of jeans
nice and clean
shining in the front - his belt is seen
eyes are green
the biggest pb that ive ever seen
im just kiddin, i spit for fun
yousef always smashes but cant cop a gun
hirooka should be hung
or shot in the lung
or attacked by killer bees - be repeatedly stung


(Verse 3 Asan)
爸爸看不下去我腐敗的生活, 給我個機會讓我自己從新來過
全家移民, 來到加拿大, 過白人的生活,
oh no.. let go, say bye to hommies.. no no!!

開始要學會穿西裝打領帶, 再夜店紐屁股 (so gay) Get hype!
白人的世界, 我還真的不太喜歡, 我還是最愛最愛我的Taiwan

8年的時光衝衝飛去, 現在的我已經大學畢業的工程師
誰也沒有想到, 當初的阿三, 現在會站在舞台上像個Super star

現在的我今年25歲, 雖然沒有賓士, 也沒有房子, 沒有一tolaku的馬仔
只有Music, Microphone 在我的手裡, 妳是否還要聽我的下一首歌曲?

Baby, What are you crying about?
I am still here right?
We can go through everything together
I will be with you.
So, Believe in yourself
You can do it
Believe in yourself....

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