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PunkBig9 Let's go

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Drinking Boys and Girls Choir
Drinking Boys and Girls Choir

發布時間 2023-10-01


released August 2, 2019
Lyrics & Songs by Myeongjin Kim
Arranged by Myeongjin Kim, Meena Bae, Bondu Seo
Played by Myeongjin Kim, Meena Bae, Jiwon Yoo
Recorded by Kyeongsu Hwang @Daegu Music Factory
Mixed by Hakju Chun @Mushroom Recordings
Mastered by Seunghee Kang @Sonic Korea
Design & Music Video by Pallo

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*lyrics - korean

대명동에가서라이브음악들을까?(가자, 가자-야니대명동가봤나? 완전재밌는데)동성로거리가서맛집투어해볼까?(가자, 가자-막창, 만두, 뭉티기, 중화비빔밥*** 다무야된데이알겠제?)너와내가함께모여젊음을보내는이곳나의고향은달구벌너와내가함께모여젊음을보내는이곳나의고향은(컬러풀) 달구벌모노레일타고서수성못오리배탈까?(가자, 가자-야니그거아나? 모노레일공중으로막다닌데이!)너와내가함께모여젊음을보내는이곳나의고향은달구벌너와내가함께모여젊음을보내는이곳나의고향은(컬러풀) 달구벌

*lyrics-english translate

Shall we go Daemyeong-dong* and listen to live music?
(Let’s go, let’s go! Hey have you ever been to Daemyeong-dong? It’s really fun)-(Daegu local dialect)
Shall we go to Dongseongno and go to some tasty restaurants?
(Let’s go, let’s go! You’ve gotta try makchang, mandu, junghwa bibimbap, right?)-(Daegu local dialect)
You and I are spending our youth in this place, my hometown, Dalgoobeol You and I are spending our youth in this place, my hometown, (colorful) Dalgoobeol Shall we take the monorail and ride the Suseong-mot Duck-boat *****?
(Let's go let’s go! -You know what? This monorail is really floating through the air!)-(Daegu local dialect)

You and I are spending our youth in this place, my hometown, Dalgoobeol You and I are spending our youth in this place, my hometown, (colorful) Dalgoobeol

*Daemyeong-dong : the area that the music venues and little theaters are located
**Dongseong-ro : Daegu’s the busiest downtown
***Several examples of Daegu’s famous foods
****Dalgoobeol : The old name of Daegu
*****Duck boat : The pedaling boat shaped like a Duck in Suseong-mot (a man-made lake), there are more at other rivers too.-

English translation by Cindy L’abbe

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