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The Greatest You
The Greatest You

The Greatest You


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The Greatest You

The Greatest You


發布時間 2023-05-18


這次的作品走比較電音的路線,用了EDM味道濃厚的Bass當底,搭配自己很喜歡、帶有點民族感的鼓組。據朋友的說法是「中世紀的魔法城堡」🏰 超美的封面設計來自我親妹moobe的巧手,鯉魚的圖像對我來說有蛻變和成長的意思 ❤️



詞曲 Songwriting | AIYU
編曲 Arranging | AIYU
混音 Mixing | AIYU、三多 - サンド
母帶製作 Mastering | 三多 - サンド
封面設計 Cover design | moobe

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歌詞 動態歌詞

Come on, dear
You got to dance through the night
and no regrets
Take another bottle of wine
I’m here with you
You know the game and what comes next is true
Get rid of your ghost
and shape your new identity
Welcome the birth of the greatest you
To the souls of the ones who dare to break the rules

I don’t know why I love this feeling of being an outlaw
in the world of standardization
Let me dance until dawn
I’ve been waiting long for this transformation

The greatest you
The greatest you
The greatest you

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