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The meaning of love
The meaning of love

The meaning of love

Singer / Songwriter尋 (Seeking)

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The meaning of love

The meaning of love


發布時間 2020-02-16


詞曲 Songwriting | AIYU
編曲 Arranging | AIYU
混音 Mixing | 三多 - サンド
封面設計 Cover design | 張紋熒 (Ingrid Chang)

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歌詞 動態歌詞

I’m tired of being where I am.
I don’t know where to start again
like in old days.
I’m fighting with my thoughts
all the time, all the time.
Oh I’m trying.
Oh I’m trying
to be the best I can be.
Oh I’m trying.
Oh I’m trying
to understand the meaning
of love
though my heart is already hurt.
though my heart is already hurt.

Oh I’m trying.
Oh I’m trying
to be the best I can be.
Oh I’m trying.
Oh I’m trying
to understand the meaning
of love
of love
of love
of love
though my heart is already hurt.
though my heart is already hurt.

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