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Major Crush
Major Crush

Major Crush

PopPatrick, Guitar, and Sunshine

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Major Crush

Major Crush


發布時間 2011-09-26


I got this, Major Crush, on this girl

She got those, pretty eyes, which I can’t keep my eyes, off her face
When she smiles, I get drunk, she sent me spinning, and I’ll fall on the ground
Whenever, she looks at me, I’ll be flying, up in the blue sky

And I don’t, know how to stop loving this girl
All I know, is that, how to sing loving rock’n roll.
You’re the reason, why, I got my major crush.

Every night, I’ll be on my bed, thinking of you, just can’t go to sleep
When I see you, my little tender heart, would skip a beat, and it just so hard to breathe
I can’t fight, but if someone, tried to hurt you, I’ll fight till I die
You gave me, an excuse to write this song

And I don’t, know how to stop loving this girl
All I know, is that, how to sing loving rock’n roll.
You’re the reason, why, I got my major crush.

However Shakespeare once said love is blind
I cannot see a thing until my soul scattered into thousand and thousand and thousand pieces

And I don’t, know how to stop loving this girl
All I know, is that, how to sing loving rock’n roll.
You’re the reason, why, I got my major crush.
And the reason ,why, broke my heart.

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