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Where are you
Where are you

Where are you


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Where are you

Where are you

Mouse lin
Mouse lin

發布時間 2008-08-18


這首 模仿官錠老師做依次 總之很像M&U 然後 段落我攬的做 就ABC段 VOCAL其實也懶的在細修 好聽就簽一下心 不好聽...

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Everytime i c u face

then i run away

eveerytime i miss you u

i want u

you are not there

monday morning when i woke up

u left a note say u were sorry

i were thinking very long time

how could u left me behind

my tears~~

just can't stop falling to groud

my heart~~

just can"t stop breaking aport

maybe u were right

maybe i should leave

so i will gp

Everytime i c u face

then i run away

eveerytime i miss you u

i want u

you are not there

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Huqm Mr

<P>貝貝 應該不是你吧!!!</P>


<p><a href="../music/user-song.asp?au=52269">Where are you</a>&nbsp;</p><p>有一兩個Chord可以再6一點..</p><p>Vocal可以疊兩到三個潤飾一下</p><p>合音部分有一兩個音準要注意 <br></p>