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Hip hop / Rap

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發布時間 2023-05-15


Feb 4th(二月四号 Cee登陆在香港中环)
I’m in the Central i See/Cee(我在中环我望)
From the top one to the bottom(从上至下)
Who else can be me?(谁能成为我?哈哈)
I switching lane(我换线漂移)
I switching vibe(我带动氛围)
But i do no中英译(哈哈)
Bith I’m too turnt up like Drake(我太顶就像德雷克)
Okay that s**t was Asen did(可以 那是Asen才做的事)

What I’m doing?(问我在做啥啊?)
That’s the way from bot to top(我正在哈搜)
What you doing?(你看看你在做什么?)
I see these boys Lost Ain‘t Found(我只见他们都很迷茫)
Imma send this up to the man they don’t like me (我会把那些不喜欢我的)
And what I’m involved(和不喜欢我的所做的事人送上去)
Imma show my love to the fans that they love me(我会把我的爱给到所有爱我的人)
That s**t must fyee(这肯定很棒)
I’ve been busy in lately(我最近忙得很)
Tryna find my mind(尝试找回自我)
How can i be happy(我怎么能够开心)
When something got taken?(当我看见有些东西被拿走)
But the s**t was mine?(但那些东西都是我的)
I’ve been day dreaming(我时常幻想)
thinking me to the top(我想我会到顶峰的)
So when is my time?(所以什么时候到我?)
Don’t do no s**t to me(别来搞我)
Me gonna aim you(我会瞄准)
My brother gon snipe(然后我兄弟会狙击)
Don’t u care bout the distance?(你还在担心距离吗?)
Need you feel my love,insist(坚持 需要你感受我的爱)
‘Kay i admit my fault(好 我承认是我的错)
Me no want no end like this(我不想就这样收场)
My s**t too nasty(我太顶了)
Might need me on MR.Clean(需要我变成干净先生)
Shining on my teeth(牙齿亮晶晶)
You boy too navie and s**t(你们都太纯了)

Feb 4th(二月四号)
I’m in the Central i see/Cee(我在中环我望)
From the top one to the bottom(从上至下)
Who else can be me?(谁能成为我?哈哈)
I switching lane(我换线漂移)
I switching vibe(我带动氛围)
But i do no中英译(哈哈)
B***h I’m too turnt up like Drake(我太顶就像德雷克)
Okay that s**t was Asen did(可以 那是Asen才做的事)
Feb 4th(二月四号)
I’m in the Central i see/Cee(我在中环我望)
From the top one to the bottom(从上至下)
Who else can be me?(谁能成为我?哈哈)
I switching lane(我换线漂移)
I switching vibe(我带动氛围)
But i do no中英译(哈哈)
B***h I’m too turnt up like Drake(我太顶就像德雷克)
Okay that s**t was Asen did(可以 那是Asen才做的事)

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