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Hip hop / Rap

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發布時間 2023-04-10


Track 1 “只想要你”
Track 2 “PIZZA MARU” MV在B站收看
Track 3 “Cruella De Vil”演唱视频在B站收看

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I Just Want You For My Own(我只想拥有你)
More Than You Could Ever Know(非常非常想)
Make My Wish Come True....(让我的愿望成真吧)
All I Want For Christmas Is——(圣诞之夜你会降临吗)
I put Lasagna into Garfield and then it go Burppppp(我把千层面放进加菲猫 然后他会 打嗝嗝嗝)
I’m a motherfucking king,crown on me(我是他么戴着皇冠的王)
Sure,gon eat a Burgerrrrr(我吃一个汉堡堡堡)
Riding my horse,rain coat on me and me(穿着大衣骑着⻢ )
with the berry i meet the Burrrr(我遇到了巴宝莉)
Beef up no pork,eat it i forced(吃牛治不吃猪肉)
I mean my two berries they’re knocking the Doorrrr(我是说两颗蓝莓他们在敲⻔)
I put Lasagna into Garfield and then it go Burppppp(我把千层面放进加菲猫 然后他会 打嗝嗝嗝)
I’m a motherfucking king,crown on me(我是他么戴着皇冠的王)
Sure,gon eat a Burgerrrrr(我吃一个汉堡堡堡)
Riding my horse,rain coat on me and me(穿着大衣骑着⻢)
with the berry i meet the Burrrr(我遇到了巴宝莉)
Beef up no pork,eat it i forced(吃牛治不吃猪肉)
I mean my two berries they’re knocking the Doorrrr(我是说两颗蓝莓他们在敲⻔)
Knock Knock(Who?)(让我敲敲你)
Gorgeous thing in that bitch let me in(精致如你开启了⻔)
Carefree on bitch you kill the film(不要浪费电影交卷)
茄咧菲 in the prank don’t you ping(你出洋相可别着了急)
You’re a civilian Captain America,(你是平⺠ 我是队⻓)
got me on starshit on everything(星星在我)
Ultraman,purple red,pull up the beam(迪迦奥特曼 究极光束)
Skarner shiit Ooops(斯卡纳情况)
Reborn to Rebel but don’t tryna link(重生造反但不可能再Link 斯卡纳R技能)
I’m a hot dude in the costume,man I’m in the Walt(我很火辣/很热 在道具服中 我在迪 士尼)
Then i got assemble on me(集结一致)
Hasbro on kids(孩之宝出品)
Buzz lightyear he beating the gross(巴斯光年惩恶锄奸)
Spoonful of sweet in a wooden spoon(挖一木勺甜蜜蜜)
Winnie the pooh on me(我是维尼熊)
I got the sticky no honey,can’t wait for a minute,I fill in she choke(我有黏 不是蜂蜜 别 呛着了)
I put Lasagna into Garfield and then it go Burppppp(我把千层面放进加菲猫 然后他会 打嗝嗝嗝)
I’m a motherfucking king,crown on me(我是他么戴着皇冠的王)
Sure,gon eat a Burgerrrrr(我吃一个汉堡堡堡)
Riding my horse,rain coat on me and me(穿着大衣骑着⻢ )
with the berry i meet the Burrrr(我遇到了巴宝莉)
Beef up no pork,eat it i forced(吃牛治不吃猪肉)
I mean my two berries they’re knocking the Doorrrr(我是说两颗蓝莓他们在敲⻔)
Lazy Sunday morning my lady she smells like Margiela(慵懒周末 我的女人闻起来是 ⻢吉拉)
Tommy on me then i feel like Hilfiger(我穿Tommy我感觉我是Hilfiger)
Left a scar,me on Tony Montana(留下伤疤 我是疤面煞星)
I’m in the monster my dick with the Bella(我是怪物我的它和⻉儿在一起了) Fairy on tale,me on the serial killer(童话故事里 我是杀手)
Young Digger Dick on me,me with a digger(利剑之? 我有利剑之?)
DJ on that beat so that its ain’t a banger(经典Tag不用我说了吧)
I’m too lyrical,sippin the lemonade,I’m in the Bennett,man,I’m in the Cole(我太牛了 喝着柠檬水 我是班内特 我是科尔)
That bicch already got choke,you can tell
Pennywise so eat IT no joke(可以看出来她已经呛到了 所以吃了不开玩笑)
Yatchy got float,no more mumble no boat (小船浮起来了 所以没有模糊没有小船了) Bigger than bigger,Apple slogan(比更大更大 苹果标语)
i Phone call your sister(where‘s the blow?)我喊你妹娃 在哪儿?)
I’m taking the pictures,that shit got banned,我在讲的是码逗 那玩意无啦)
Man I’m starving,need a can,water on me i need them both(我胃口很大 我全都要) Her pussy loosely got me boring,Huh huh
Need it inlaid with the gold(我无聊了 要镶金的)
I’ve been dealing with the hoes(我腻了)
But you jerking to the poster(但你还在打) Gonna feed it with the balls huh(我喂) Got my Barbies she can blow(你吃)
I put Lasagna into Garfield and then it go Burppppp(我把千层面放进加菲猫 然后他会 打嗝嗝嗝)
I’m a motherfucking king,crown on me(我是他么戴着皇冠的王)
Sure,gon eat a Burgerrrrr(我吃一个汉堡堡堡)

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