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You Got Me When I Stare At You
You Got Me When I Stare At You

You Got Me When I Stare At You

AlternativeTuT- You Got Me When I Stare At You

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You Got Me When I Stare At You

You Got Me When I Stare At You


  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2015-03-20


You got me when I s
tare at you
Give me a pill to calm me down
I don't know if I'm crazy
Can you prove it to me

You got me when I stare at you
Give me a pill to calm me down
I don't know if I'm crazy
Can you prove it to me

Use your love
Use your hate

你甘欲聽 我心內的話?
你甘欲聽 我心內的話?

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