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Booty Planet MASTER
Booty Planet MASTER

Booty Planet MASTER

Reggae / Funk

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Booty Planet MASTER

Booty Planet MASTER


發布時間 2019-07-31


The source of the funk is Booty Planet. Title track of The Bootyslappers debut album. On this track the band successfully channels the funk from an alternate dimension, the mysterious location of Booty Planet!

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Bootysphere- total eclipse
Bootysphere- move your hips
Going to booty planet
Booty trees, booty leaves, blowing in the booty breeze
Going to booty planet
Have no fear the booty’s here
Swinging from the chandelier
She has got the booty, She has got the booty, She has got the booty
The booty is here today
Get on your knees and pray
The booty is here today
Get on your knees and pray
Going to booty planet
Booty trees, booty leaves, blowing in the booty breeze
Going to booty planet
Have no fear the booty’s here
Swinging from the chandelier
She has got the booty, She has got the booty, She has got the booty

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