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湯家梅的話 A Word from Tang Jia-mei
湯家梅的話 A Word from Tang Jia-mei

湯家梅的話 A Word from Tang Jia-mei

Electronic大觀錄二段40號 No. 40, Section 2, Daguan Rd

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湯家梅的話 A Word from Tang Jia-mei

湯家梅的話 A Word from Tang Jia-mei


發布時間 2019-05-17


This is a recording of the Daguan community tour guide, which is used as sound material to make the album "No. 40, Section 2, Daguan Rd," released in support of the Daguan community in New Taipei City, Taiwan that is about to be evicted in June, 2019.

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Tang Jia-mei:
Hello everyone. I am one of the residents here. I come from the mainland and married over here.
Now, I live here alone because my family had passed away six years ago. The condition of my house, I don’t know how to say, because the Banqiao Veterans' Home is also...You know. This house was built when the first president of the Republic of China was in office. Since these old veterans fought the war for them, the first two presidents took great care of these veterans and their family members. Because they fought the war for them. Our house was built under those circumstances; you could say it was a “legal illegal construction.” They never said no to us. Now that the era has changed, and a few presidents as well, now the government’s policy is different and we have been found guilty of encroaching on state-owned land.
To be honest, this house has been here for nearly sixty years. We are now carrying the crime of encroaching on state-owned land. Our own financial situation are not very good, so we have no way of fighting them in court. They said that our conviction is affirmed by the supreme court, that we had lost. We did not lose, we lost because we had poverty written across our heads. We lost because we had no money to hire lawyers. That is, they had the money to hire a lawyer to defend for them. They divided the community into six groups and sued each group individually. Think about it! You need several hundred thousand NT dollars per court session. Our lawsuit required at least five to six court sessions, that means several million NTD in legal fees. I tell you we have poverty written across our heads. We didn't lose, we lost because we didn’t have economic advantage, that's why we lost.
Now, speaking of my personal situation, my own account has been frozen and I lost my job over this. All for this...You can't really say this is a house, just a place to keep out from the wind and rain. This house does not even compare to someone else's toilet. My former work place's restroom is much better than this house. We don't called this a house, you can only say that it's a place to keep out from the wind and rain. Like my house, it can't really keep out a storm, it can keep out small rain perhaps. When it's pouring outside it's raining inside. Sometimes even after the rain outside had stopped, the water inside is still retained, so it continues to rain inside the house. That is my house.
If we had money, why would be we living here? I would have moved away long ago, why would I still be here shouldering this crime of encroaching on state-owned land?
People say you don't enter Liangshan willingly, you are forced. Who doesn't want to live in a nicer place, who wants to live in this kind of place? It's because we can't. We don't have the financial ability. If we did, everyone would have moved away already.
Do you believe that this country had taken any care of us? No. Like that Veterans' Home, they wouldn't take into account how the old veterans fought for them, no, it wouldn't cross their mind. They only think about how they can take back the land, how they can sell it, build houses on it, make money from it. That's all they think about, nothing else. Because this land here is worth a lot of money now. You know what they plan to do after they tear down our houses? They're going to use it as a piece of green space. If all you want is a green space for people to take walks on, why can't you leave us a green space for survival? Why do you have to force us over the edge?

Zheng Yu-yan:
Thank you, Aunt Tang.

Transcription: 許莫
Translator: PCkid 死覺青

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