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a love for you
a love for you

a love for you

Singer / Songwriter

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a love for you

a love for you

One More Step
One More Step

發布時間 2017-12-17






a love for you..

編曲Arrange|One More Step
美術設計Art| LeiZy

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Baby I just saw you crying(寶貝,我剛剛看到妳在哭泣)
Laying down there without help feeling painful.(獨自一人癱在旁邊,無助且痛苦著)
Tell me what stole your happiness,(告訴我,發生了什麼事奪走了妳的開心)
I wanna gave it back to you. (我想替妳找回來)
for you… please tell me(為了妳,請妳告訴我)
Why? you’re crying (為什麼,妳要哭泣?)
feeling so sad(顯得如此悲傷)
I will make sure that you will smile later. (我一定會讓妳再次綻放笑容)
Cause I’ll be there for you. (因為我會陪伴在妳身邊)

Tell me what made your world full of darkness. (告訴我,是什麼事情讓妳的世界陷入一片漆黑)
Tell me why your heart is so broken. (告訴我,為何妳如此的心碎)
I am sad, I am mad. (我感到難過,感到氣憤)
Cause I’m not the very one. (因為我並不是那一位)
The one that you gave your heart(讓妳情有獨鍾的人)
When the time, has passed on. (當時間消逝後)
Am I there, in your mind. (我是否還殘存在妳的腦海裡)
Who will be, the next one. (而誰又會是下一位)
Giving you all those grieved. (帶給妳苦惱的人呢?)
What was that, all about. (何必如此呢)
Even though, I’m still there. (即使我就在妳身邊)
Why can’t you, feel my heart. (為何妳感受不到我的心)
Wish you happiness. (我只希望妳快樂)

Baby I just made you smiling. (寶貝,我剛剛逗妳笑了)
With tears on your cheeks. (妳的臉龐仍掛著眼淚)
But I know you’re only pretending. (我其實知道妳還在逞強)
You keep telling me how fine you are, (妳不停地對我說,妳沒問題)
Although nothing had really changed. (即使狀況一點都沒有改善)
for you… please tell me(為了妳,請告訴我)
Why? you’re hiding all those feeling. (為什麼?妳要隱藏著那些情緒)
You can’t act like you were alright. (妳無法掩飾著自己的痛苦)
Cause I had always care you. (因為我都一直待妳身邊,注視著妳)

Tell me what made you’re world full of those darkness. (告訴我,是什麼事情讓妳的世界陷入一片漆黑)
Tell me why your heart is so broken. (告訴我,為何妳如此的心碎)
I am sad, I am mad. (我感到難過,感到氣憤)
Cause I’m not the very one. (因為我並不是那一位)
The one that you gave your heart. (讓妳情有獨鍾的人)
When the time, has passed on. (當時間消逝後)
Am I there, in your mind. (我是否還殘存在妳的腦海裡)
Who will be, the next one. (而誰又會是下一位)
Giving you all those grieved. (帶給妳苦惱的人?)
What was that, all a-bout. (何必如此呢?)
Even though, I’m still there. (即使我就在妳身邊)
Why can’t you, feel my heart. (為何妳感受不到我的心)
Who only, want you living in joy. (我只是單純地盼望著,妳能過得快樂)

woo~ owoo~ woo~ owoo~

owoo owwo owwo owwo owwo owwo~

Tell me what made you’re world full of those darkness. (告訴我,是什麼事情讓妳的世界陷入一片漆黑)
Tell me why your heart is so broken. (告訴我,為何妳如此的心碎)
I am sad, I am mad. (我感到難過,感到氣憤)
Cause I’m not the very one. (因為我並不是那一位)
The one that you gave your heart. (讓妳情有獨鍾的人)
When the time, has passed on. (當時間消逝後)
Am I there, in your mind. (我是否還殘存在妳的腦海裡)
Who will be, the next one. (而誰又會是下一位)
Giving you all those grieved. (帶給妳苦惱的人?)
What was that, all about. (何必如此呢?)
Even though, I’m still there. (即使我就在妳身邊)
Why can’t you, feel my heart. (為何妳感受不到我的心)
Who always love you (那顆始終愛著妳的心)

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