First and Third verses written by me, second written by a friend, with my editions.
Verse 1
我隨便說句話就能夠形成一種flow。告訴我一個rapper到底憑什麽去show。活著為嘻哈要在波折中破解密碼知難而進只能聽到汗水滴答。沒人教我怎樣的句式和句組還有句始句束,必須註重句斷和句中留意句長句短。有時我遇思緒斷有時唱得籲籲氣喘也不去吃飯。每都晚拼命思考如何寫出拽歌詞每次聽2Pac唱歌都對他愛到死。他教我學音樂之前先學會做人,淩晨六點我為找靈感聽著貝多芬就像喝醉的人尋找那條路要吹散這吹不散的霧要放下麥去看日出。欣賞著日出時的光明我這些年實在太多地蹉跎光**ut still i'm Loyal to the Game。
Verse 2 (由Ziyo所寫)
讓夢想飛,所有人的贊美如此虛偽。我繼續追,自從愛上Hip Hop從未後悔。父親說局安時要思危,要做好防備 ,要積攢詞匯他對我講的話都很珍貴。每當我跟節奏練習控制我的flow都知道這種事沒後門可以走。我試圖破解饒舌密碼想把它概括發現破解後的答案竟是由我制作。密碼被我破解這節奏任由我來瘋狂揉捏。牛逼的FLOW,都由我來寫由我來排列我不分派別我這節奏誰敢來接,我實在不知道歌詞還能如何再寫。能感覺止不住的沖動不想制造轟動可是我在朦朧中節奏都不會松動,每次我變換我flow的時候我自己都快有點跟不上我的節奏。
Verse 3
i can't stop writing this stuff i'm hustling see, bitches always tell me that my rhythm doesnt repeat,
i read this shit In a book, my flow switched look, you shit's so tough it's like a steak overcooked.
but don't you 1say you mistook cuz thisain't no comic book. i heard you got a look, before this shit went on the mug book.
it's all fake to me but look, I got what it takes to be by hook or by crook there are the traits of me my attitude.
The genius turned to ash right before the torch is passed and yet your stupid songs are making his spirit sad.
hip hop ain't flashing money what the fck happened dude, don't you know what theyrespect is only the rapper's truth.
they tell me you still wanna race me but what if listening to my song makes you crazy.
it's time to face it you got no way to fake it, ain't got nothing left to say to you, but your IQ just amaze me.
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