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大園國際高中11rd畢業歌《We've been through》
大園國際高中11rd畢業歌《We've been through》

大園國際高中11rd畢業歌《We've been through》

Singer / Songwriter

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大園國際高中11rd畢業歌《We've been through》

大園國際高中11rd畢業歌《We've been through》


發布時間 2023-06-13



編曲:惟聖 Wilson 、小孫
錄音師:惟聖 Wilson @焦點音樂
混音師:惟聖 Wilson @笨貓爪音樂工作室
母帶後製:惟聖 Wilson @笨貓爪音樂工作室
配唱製作人:惟聖 Wilson

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我們終於走到這 像一本書的結尾
一如往常的對談 畢業後不消散
往後再次相見 談經歷過的疲倦
經歷時間的推移 不曾有人忘記
Been through all the lows, but I'm still here
It doesn't mean that everything is gone
Remember all the good times through the years
This is where I know that I belong
我們談笑的歲月 放在旋律裡盤旋
請給我一個圓 讓我住在裡面
合照時的笑臉 怎麼藏都露餡
把將要的別離 當成相遇的蹤跡
Been through all the lows, but I'm still here It doesn't mean that everything is gone
Remember all the good times through the years
This is where I know that I belong
Been through all the lows but we're still here
It doesn't mean that friendship will be gone
Remember all the good times we've been through
This is where i know that i belong
I wish i wish belonged to you
Only you only you know what we've been through
All the good times happened cuz of you
a part of me and you
Been through all the lows but we're still here
It doesn't mean that friendship will be gone
Remember all the good times we've been through
This is where i know that i belong

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