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4 首歌

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專輯發行時間 2023-03-01
建立於 2023-03-01


LICKONE 力克首張EP 專輯 <NEO> 已經釋出
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EP小專輯 【NEO】
四首曲目分別紀錄身為外國人在台灣觀察和體驗後紀錄了2020-2022年在我身邊發生的人事物,也把這張EP取名字為 NEO的原因是直接取用&致敬駭客任務(Matrix)裡的主要角色,反應了現代人喜歡活在自己的舒適圈自己的膠囊裡,無法逃離社會餵食的齒輪。
Youtube 有精心製作的 MV 及 Visualizer。

LICKONE 是一位饒舌歌手和視覺藝術家,来自馬來西亞檳城,但現在將台灣台北稱為第二故鄉。 通過饒舌和平面設計創作藝術讓他沉浸在台北蓬勃發展的藝術社區中。 大城市裡充滿了陷阱和障礙,但 LICKONE 已經準備好迎接所有挑戰,他作為獨奏藝術家和他的 Rooftopmob 團隊成員之一已經準備好嚮往更專業生涯繼續發展。 LICKONE 作為一個外國人面臨著關於他作為人類和藝術家的身份的挑戰。 儘管如此,他努力實現自我和事業成功的同時,戰勝了所有心理的惡魔並茁壯成長。 LICKONE 的最終目標不僅僅是作為一名藝術家生存,就像駭客任務裡的 NEO,萬中之一。

LICKONE is a rapper and visual artist born in Penang, Malaysia but now calls Taipei, Taiwan second home. Creating art through rapping and graphic design has allowed him to immerse himself in the thriving artistic community of Taipei. Big cities are full of pitfalls and obstacles but LICKONE is ready for all challenges as his career continues to grow as a solo artist and as part of his group Rooftopmob. As a foreigner, LICKONE has faced challenges regarding his identity as a human and an artist. Thus far though, he has thwarted all demons while working towards self-actualization and career success. The end goal for LICKONE isn't to merely survive as an artist but to thrive, here's come to his debut EP [NEO].

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