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lilKrake小章章 - Rainy Mood
lilKrake小章章 - Rainy Mood

lilKrake小章章 - Rainy Mood

Hip hop / RapAlien Brain

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lilKrake小章章 - Rainy Mood

lilKrake小章章 - Rainy Mood


發布時間 2021-02-03


"Rainy Mood" by lilKrake | 小章章

Alien Brain Chapter. 8
- 外星腦 第八章 -

Visual on Youtube:

0 COST ON EVERYTHING & Follow @lilkrake

詞&曲 | Lyrics & Composed by lilKrake小章章
編曲 | Beat produced by Tsurreal x Bfta
錄音 | Recorded by lilKrake小章章
混音 | Mixed by lilKrake小章章
影像 | Video by lilKrake小章章
繪者 | Painting by 蔡佩君 @popo_lllooo

Instagram: @lilkrake
Facebook: LilKrake小章章 @LILkrakeNW
Youtube: lilKrake小章章
Sound Cloud: lilKrake
Street Voice: lilKrake小章章
Spotify: Lil Krake
iTunes: Lil Krake
KKBox: Lil Krake

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Rainy mood, rainy mood
I forgot the time when I got into (bad things)
Rainy mood, rainy mood
Hands on the handle I just can't see through (I'm disappeared man)

Jolly bees, we're all lovesick for the flower honey
Get busy, that's the way we can forget we're starving
How to get you? nah
How to kick you out?
Know I feel?
You wouldn't push me away like you don't make any fault

They just throwing salt
Wonder if you're tripping with the mood back in the talk
Wonder if we can get another result if we pause
Murder one of the personalities if we had a choice, nah nah

Hey, baby we won't make it to the end
All this time I'm tryna fill the holes that we have
Hey, let's cut it off while we can still get out
Everything in this world is so related

I'm about to shut this down
Including my head
Let's end all these games, yeah

Tired of another climb and a break down
Too many bad bitches up in here and they just won't stop

When bitches away ah
香檳打開獨自配著披薩 ah
不同的 Wave ah
昏醉中燒掉了所有回憶 ah

厭惡地配酒 yeah
內心已生鏽 yeah
感情是上天帶給我 唯一的懲罰

空洞像軀殼 情不自禁 一芳親澤 yeah
就一次親吻 情愫如大雨在內心裡傾盆

破的空酒杯 失了力氣被 灌入思緒妳從不會
想負責對我 說出一切 拜託別再讓我受罪

White and black, won't hold back
We can't feel the same way
Love you more than love me
It makes me feel ashamed

Why I say so?
You go I go
但最後 妳還是放下了手

(How to get you? nah)
(How to kick you out?)
(Know I feel?)
(Rainy Mood)

Hey, baby we won't make it to the end
All this time I'm tryna fill the holes that we have
Hey, let's cut it off while we can still get out
Everything in this world is so related

I'm about to shut this down
Including my head
Let's end all these games, yeah

Tired of another climb and a break down
Too many bad bitches up in here and they just won't stop

Rainy mood, rainy mood
I forgot the time when I got into (bad things)
Rainy mood, rainy mood
Hands on the handle I just can't see through (I'm disappeared man)

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