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Cyberpunk feat. Larry-W
Cyberpunk feat. Larry-W

Cyberpunk feat. Larry-W

Hip hop / RapRAGINGMODE!!

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Cyberpunk feat. Larry-W

Cyberpunk feat. Larry-W


發布時間 2023-03-17


Lyrics - JimmyCheng, Larry-W
Compose - JimmyCheng, Larry-W
Arrange, Mix - JimmyCheng

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歌詞 動態歌詞

With my iron, me can thuggin all the time.
I never fight, cause we drilling when we mad.
Intensify, gear up Sandevistan.
You know I got your back, in Night City state of mind.
Sovereign, Seraph, Plan B, that’s why you die young.
Rolex, riches, bitches, shit raise in gutter want.
People gang with me should having hundred way to knock off.
All my ambitious weren’t only drawn out for Arasaka.
Hope the sun, got some run.
Me one don’t like, no dirty fun.
That booty drops deep as does as my gun.
When you hear the trigger click, man you shall better run.
They keep tab on my gang, cuz beef up so strong.
Thousand bags of tricks, when you just horse around.
Xanny keeps me rush, Bloody spazzed out.
Now you give a peanut ride, they may knock you out.
Chasing in those nights, what you pull it on.
Follow those brain with no explains, just hold tight my gun.
I will never fade, live fast and die young.
Don’t care bout those shits they say, fizzle out and got none.
嬰兒只能乞食 女孩以妓為生 正是博愛的象徵.
自由揮霍激情 斷頭台上排隊.
這是我的命 這世間的命運.
出賣我的心 這條路只會追名逐利.
妒忌著 來源自血脈的承襲.
為奴者 是否就該被踩在腳底.
戶頭為 0 的弱者 為了下一餐都得猶豫.
受制於人 就連自己存在都會存疑.
活的夠可悲了 還得學會被討厭的勇氣.
Made from Cyberpunk,
但又 或者 我們 早已不是活的.
半人 半神 半機械 還是心理住著一頭惡魔.
是你笑我看不穿 還是我心湍流 早已瘋了.
手持 匕首 切破 文明精心的傑作.
Shit bro 你毀了一切 真的他媽謝囉.
歷史巨輪 輪迴到那 法國大革命戰火當中.
乘著風 激起了無政府混亂和衝動.
Chasing in those nights, what you pull it on.
Follow those brain with no explains, just hold tight my gun.
I will never fade, live fast and die young.
Don’t care bout those shits they say, fizzle out and got none.

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