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Afterglow (Cover)
Afterglow (Cover)

Afterglow (Cover)


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Afterglow (Cover)

Afterglow (Cover)

李彥鋒 Yanfengli
李彥鋒 Yanfengli

發布時間 2022-08-30



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Stop the clocks, it's amazing
停下指針擺動 眼前所見 該是如此明豔動人
You should see the way the light dances off your hair
瞧瞧好動又頑皮的光影 從你髮梢傾瀉而下 翩然舞動著
A million colours of hazel, golden, and red
先是你那對褐眸 飄逸金髮 接著泛起紅暈 迸發色彩繽紛
Saturday morning is fading
慵懶舒適的週六晨光 漸漸地消逝殆盡
The sun's reflected by the coffee in your hand
而陽光從你持有的咖啡杯 輝映出燦爛耀眼的笑容
My eyes are caught in your gaze all over again
僅是凝矚一晌 便使我屏息 又一次深陷你深情眼眸

We were love-drunk, waiting on a miracle
我們沉醉於愛情的美好 期待說不定會有奇蹟降臨
Tryna find ourselves in the winter snow
不畏懼暴雪來襲 掃除重重阻礙 只為追尋彼此身影
So alone in love like the world had disappeared
若是失去了你 形單影隻 就像迷失在大千世界裡
Oh, I won't be silent and I won't let go
噢 但我可不打算噤聲不語 眼睜睜見你離我而去
I will hold on tighter 'til the afterglow
無論如何 我都會緊緊握住你雙手 直至夕日餘暉
And we'll burn so bright 'til the darkness softly clears
而我們的愛情將燃燒大地 點亮一切 直至黑暗寂然消退

Oh, I will hold on to the afterglow
噢 我會緊緊握住你雙手 直至夕日餘暉

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