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Affectionate (An Apology)
Affectionate (An Apology)

Affectionate (An Apology)


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Affectionate (An Apology)

Affectionate (An Apology)


發布時間 2013-07-15


Song inspired by College & Electric Youth, arrangements inspired by The Killers, The Strokes, and The Cure.
This is an apology for taking things too far.

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Yesterday, ‘said she doesn’t mind if
My hands, hold hers captive
Danced alone, in the place that I live.
Come on, come on, come on.
I thought it would go wrong.
But it is her lips on mine.
I was taken by surprise.
But the affection in your eyes
Can’t lie
She added, cyan to my sky
I heard, songs in her sighs
Beautiful nights make me blind.
I smiled, like a fool for a week
Took pride, in the words she gave me.
By Friday, didn’t care for The Cure.
When you were sitting by my side
Thought it was affection in your eyes
Couldn’t see the way you blinked
Now on my bed and my pillow, I can't lie.
Today, ‘said you don’t mind if
Our days become dismissive
I let it down
I can't lie.

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